A series of digital collages thinking about how memories are drawn and contained within the body. Memories of intense, exhausting, mothering and how that made me feel.
Playground drawings
The line that begins a journey, a game, play. You encourage me to follow and trace the lines that you have made. I twist and turn on your line. We laugh together. The line that connects me to you. An umbilical line.
Self Portraits as Mother
A series of photographic self portraits that attempt an alternative view to idealised images of mother.
M(other) Stories
"Autobiographical writing is juxtaposed with photographs taken at home and during the school run using my smart phone camera. Photographs record the ever shifting, transitory time I share with my family. There are shadow portraits of me and my son playing, of my son sleeping, intimate observations of his body and skin, collaged together with...
Mummy milk
I have been feeding my son for four years now and my milk has almost dried up. These images seek to capture the memory of my milk and the physical and emotional work of feeding my son. I see my work of breastfeeding much like endurance performance. This series (of which here are 4 of 24)...
Dust to bread
The dust that collects in my vacuum cleaner is full of cat and human hair, dead skin, lost lego pieces, cut up bits of paper and scraps of childrens' creativity, feathers from the cushions that line our sofa, sweet wrappers dropped, mud from the souls of our shoes stamped inside and lots of other...
River of milk
The river of milk that has flowed from my breasts for four long years has almost run dry. My experience feels like an ocean a continent, the Pacific, Africa. It has been a long emotional journey that has bounded me closely to my son.
Bread Baking with Mother
The death of my beloved bread maker has triggered this current project. I have been reminding myself of the lovely theraputic qualities of kneeding bread, and Naoise has been loving getting messy with the sticky flour mess.
The World’s Wife
A project documenting the 5 day give away of Carol Ann Duffy's The World's Wife for World Book Night.
First Born
"A book created using documentary photography and prose to reflect upon a mothers time spent with her first child."