Exhibitions tagged with 'miscarriage'
Arts, Health and Social Care Symposia Series

Arts, Health and Social Care Symposia Series

The egg, the womb, the head and the moon will be exhibited and presented as part of the Arts, Health and Social Care Symposia Series at The University of Salford on the 19th November 2013. This is a free event and you can book by following the link detailed in the information below Arts, Health...
The egg, the womb, the head and the moon.

The egg, the womb, the head and the moon.

The egg, the womb, the head and the moon is an online, interdisciplinary, collaborative arts project that will  be exhibited as part of the AHRC Motherhood in Post-1968 Women’s Writing: Cross Cultural and Interdisciplinary Dialogues conference at the University of London’s Senate House on Thursday 24th, Friday 25th and Saturday 26th October 2013, and on Friday 25th October, I will be delivering...