News tagged with 'emotions'
Maternal Art Magazine - MAM a new publication created at home during lockdown

Maternal Art Magazine – MAM a new publication created at home during lockdown

Maternal Art Magazine – MAM is a new art magazine focusing on artists from around the world producing work about the maternal. The first issue, Stay At Home due out in June 2020 is a response by 24 artists to their experiences of working at home during the COVID-19 pandemic. The magazine aims to support artists through this...
Maternal Journal Guide

Maternal Journal Guide

I have created a free downloadable journaling template - "Mark making to capture connection between mother and baby" for the award winning Maternal Journal project produced by artist and midwife Laura Godfrey Isaacs. 
Ma Ma/ Boo Boo

Ma Ma/ Boo Boo

The film utilises 215 intimate family photographs and home video footage taken by the artist, together with autobiographical prose that weaves a journey through Helen's thoughts, feelings and experiences of breastfeeding.
The egg, the womb, the head and the moon.

The egg, the womb, the head and the moon.

The egg, the womb, the head and the moon is an online, interdisciplinary, collaborative arts project that will  be exhibited as part of the AHRC Motherhood in Post-1968 Women’s Writing: Cross Cultural and Interdisciplinary Dialogues conference at the University of London’s Senate House on Thursday 24th, Friday 25th and Saturday 26th October 2013, and on Friday 25th October, I will be delivering...
milk and tears

milk and tears

An exhibition of recent work in conjunction with the Hebden Bridge Open Studios, Friday 5th, Saturday 6th, Sunday 7th, 11am-5pm, LInden Art Studio, Hebden Bridge.
Pregnant workshop

Pregnant workshop

Created as part of the Big Draw, this workshop included a life drawing session from a Pregnant life model, a seminar about the representation of the Pregnant body in art history and contemporary fine art, together with time to develop work inspired by personal experiences of pregnancy.