Maternal Art Magazine – MAM a new publication created at home during lockdown
Maternal Art Magazine – MAM is a new art magazine focusing on artists from around the world producing work about the maternal. The first issue, Stay At Home due out in June 2020 is a response by 24 artists to their experiences of working at home during the COVID-19 pandemic. The magazine aims to support artists through this...
Maternal Journal Guide
I have created a free downloadable journaling template - "Mark making to capture connection between mother and baby" for the award winning Maternal Journal project produced by artist and midwife Laura Godfrey Isaacs.
Body Image & Self Portraits at Hoot
In the autumn term of 2018 I worked at Hoot in huddersfield facilitating a series of workshops about self portraiture fusing drawing and mixed media to help promote mental health and wellbeing. This interview was published via the Hoot blog as part of Mental Health Awareness Week. Body Image & Self Portraits | Mental Health...
The M Word
‘The M word’ exhibition curated by Amy Dignam of Desperate Art Wives. A group exhibition of visual and material representation of concepts that revolve around the maternal experience, motherhood and maternal mental health.