Ten Days at The Mothership, a collaborative arts residency by Helen Sargeant & Naoise Sargeant July 27th- 5th August 2017, Dorset, UK In the summer me and my youngest son Naoise (aged 8) spent 10 days at The Mothership, a beautiful straw bale live/work studio deep in the Dorset countryside. The Mothership is an independent...
M(other) Stories
"Autobiographical writing is juxtaposed with photographs taken at home and during the school run using my smart phone camera. Photographs record the ever shifting, transitory time I share with my family. There are shadow portraits of me and my son playing, of my son sleeping, intimate observations of his body and skin, collaged together with...
Mini Series exhibition text by Jenna Collins
"Helen has a sophisticated relationship to video exploiting its potential to create experience directly, resulting in a raw aesthetic that exposes the painters approach to mark making. With a bizarre and dark sense of humour, Helen makes use of the objects that furnish her life to explore the psychological, challenging hierarchies and power relations...