I have created “Cut” a limited edition artwork to help the Birth Rites Collection raise money to bring two tapestries and two documentation works by the internationally acclaimed artist Judy Chicago over from America. The works are from her 1980’s birth project Through The Flower and will be put on permanent display in the Birth Rites Collection at The University of Salford midwifery department.
To purchase limited edition’s from Helen Sargeant, Matt Collier, Rose Gibbs, Helen Knowles, Wiebke Leister, Samantha Sweeting or Judith Lyons go to the Sponsume website. When you purchase an edition 50 % of the price of the work will go towards the Birth Rites Collection project to bring Judy Chicago art works over from America and 50% will go towards the artist.
For further information about this project please look on the Birth Rites Collection website, where you will also find biographies for all participating artists.